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Wow, what a christian louboutin hot pink big night. And I mean that literally. Big. Large. Huge. This is the biggest group that they've ever started with on the Biggest Loser and I can't wait to see the transformations.

Riddled with twists and turns, such as having the contestants workout without their trainers, and sending home 9 contestants, this season is surely one to watch. Vicky from this past season.

Gray Team: Carla and Joelle, Best Friends I liked these ladies off the bat lots of sass and moxy looks like they could kick some ass. Reminded Ren and I of the "Reality Check" skit from Mad TV. Although, we think that they made the wrong decision of sending Carla home as the largest woman, she has the most to lose.

Brown Team: Ron and Mike, father/son Ron is extremely large, 430lbs, and apparently had gastric bypass surgery. I am going to venture to say it was unsuccessful. Ren comments, "Gastric Bypass, is that cheating?" My answer, "Cheating? He weighs 430lbs." Pretty much ended the conversation right there.

Blue Team: Filipe and Sione, Cousins two cousins from like Samoa or something. I like these two, and I think they have the ability to stay in the game a while. They will lose a lot of weight, and they seem like they'll be well liked, and therefore avoid elimination.

Green Team: Laura and Tara, friends Apparently these girls are former models. Going to bite my tongue here, but the one girl, Laura complained and whined, and it showed when her teammate Tara lost 21lbs in the first week, but Laura only lost 13. Good number, but you can tell who's weight problem is more physical, and who's is more mental. If you aren't committed to losing the weight, then stay home and let someone louboutin daffodile beige else who IS committed be there and get healthy.

Orange Team: David and Daniel, best friends I couldn't not say something about these two guys. At 23 and 19, they basically each have maybe 10 years more to live, at the rate they were going. They are extremely morbidly obese this is why I watch this show, and think that even though it exists because people like me are obsessed, it does change lives, and hopefully inspires others to change their lives. I pray these guys get the weight off and keep it off.

So, these are just a few that stand out. I am sure we'll see some more of the true personalities in the coming weeks.

While most of my TV habits have changed now that there is a little person in my house who needs my constant attention, the one thing I seemed to have time for is the Biggest Loser.

This season was all about family husbands/wives, and parents/children. So far, all of the contestants have seemed like the usual run of the mill, "losing weight because if I don't, I'll die" sort of mentality.

But, whereas in other seasons you are emotionally drawn in to the plight of these people, this season there are a few where you just can't help but not give a flying fck if they lose weight or eat themselves to death.

On last night's episode my hatred for a few of these contestants came to a head. Vicky is just bat sht crazy, and the most cocky, manipulative, maniacal contestant I have ever seen since the beginning of this show. While I've seen some contestants throw the weigh in, back stab, etc., I've never seen as much game playing as I have seen this year with this woman. In some cases with reality TV you suspect that editing is the reason for being made out like the "villain" but in this case she is just a fcking lunatic. Plain and simple.

Vicky Brady. She craps bigger than you. Out of her mouth.

After picking off other "threats" one by one, and manipulating and controlling teammate Heba (whose husband Ed got kicked off a few weeks ago then brought back last night), she felt as though her alliances were indestructible, and that she and husband Brady would be the 1 and 2 Biggest Losers, and therefore walk away with a total of $350K. This is her motivation. And considering she is doing well at losing the weight each week, that leaves me to one conclusion she is a lazy, greedy bitch. Why else would she need to come on a show to christian louboutin daffodile isolide strass spikes lose weight?

In the beginning, you sort of feel bad too. They have two kids and their daughter is on track to become an obese child. But after you witness all this craziness, you can't help but feel like she is selfish, and that the health of her family is secondary to her ability to win a cash prize. Either that or she has the biggest ego ever.

Fast forward to the elimination. Brady (her husband) and black team member Michelle are up for elimination. There are 6 votes 4 blue team members, and 2 black team members. Even asked what she felt about the elimination, Vicky couldn't even muster up a compliment about Michelle, and only christian louboutin suede so kate pumps said something about it being a numbers game and that she's confident Brady is safe.

Thankfully Amy C. got a pep talk from her mom, and decided to go out on a limb and vote for her biggest competition, Brady, making the vote a tie, and sending it to the deciding factor which is percentage of weight loss. Brady had the lowest, so he goes home. NBC did a great job of leaving the rest of the craziness for the preview of next week.

All you see if a handwritten note taped to what you assume is Amy C's door and it says "Revenge." Then you see Ed giving an interview where he says something to the affect of "Vicky is just crazy. You can't cross her."

Is she the leader of the fat mob or something? Its a shame. I usually have a nice cathartic cry with the contestants of this show because they are all pure and decent humans who genuinely care about the health and well being of their fellow castmates, and all appreciate the greater reason for being on the show losing weight. Vicky has cheapened the message and ruined the meaning of what really is an empowering, uplifting reality show.

But btches bring ratings. NBC, you've won this time.

As Ren and I embark on the mediocre existence known as being "middle aged," we joined a social phenomenon a bowling league.

Our team, Mark It Zero, consists of a rag tag group of our peers, including:

Ren (who is a decent bowler);Me (Ariel) I come from a long line of bowlers (mom and pop Moore met in a bowling alley);Fireman Brian;Fat Willard (who realized you're supposed to put your middle two fingers replica louboutin shoes into the ball AFTER he bowled an 89, 88, and 85 in consecutive games);Mr. and Mrs.

Because so much happens at bowling that could be fodder for a post of its own, I've decided that my HHR maternity leave will end here and that I will begin a new weekly column, just because.

Welcome to "Observations from Sat Nite Mixed"

The alley has a bar in it. But rather than being a bowling alley with a bar attached, it's moreso a bar with a few lanes attached.